
Showing posts from February, 2018


While blogs and Wiki's are both online and part of new media, their usage is different. Blogs have a one-to-many interaction, in which there is one author/creator that is in charge of the blog. If any comments are posted, usually it must be approved by the blog creator. While they can add links to other blogs or sites, in efforts to make it "collaborative", their is seldom anyway for many people to actually contribute to the blog on their own, unless it is a shared Blog. Blogs are usually used for more personal writings and outlets, like the army soldiers use to share their experiences while deployed. Wiki's however are more informative and actually collaborative. While there had to have been one person who decided to open the wiki page, they are not the sole creator or author as a wiki can be edited by almost anyone at anytime during the day without need for permission (in most cases) or a password. A wiki serves as a guide for general knowledge and can be speciali

How Social Media has Influenced Content Creation (proposal)

People have been creating content for as long as there has been humanity. From cave paintings, to youtube videos, people love to create things for themselves and for others to see. We see giant paintings in museums that were once proudly hung in houses and castles, for everyone to see. These paintings or statues were influenced by the time in which they were created, using tools available to them to create and distribute this content. In today's technological world many new tools are available to us, not only to create but to distribute. Social media such as facebook, youtube, twitter, etc has made it much easier to reach grand audiences from all over the world. No longer are we limited to creating things on our own, but now it is easier to find like minded people to contribute to our creations. While many good things come from creating content and spreading it widely, things could just as easily go very wrong.As recently witnessed, famous "youtubers" like Logan Paul c