How Social Media has Influenced Content Creation (proposal)

People have been creating content for as long as there has been humanity. From cave paintings, to youtube videos, people love to create things for themselves and for others to see. We see giant paintings in museums that were once proudly hung in houses and castles, for everyone to see. These paintings or statues were influenced by the time in which they were created, using tools available to them to create and distribute this content. In today's technological world many new tools are available to us, not only to create but to distribute. Social media such as facebook, youtube, twitter, etc has made it much easier to reach grand audiences from all over the world. No longer are we limited to creating things on our own, but now it is easier to find like minded people to contribute to our creations. While many good things come from creating content and spreading it widely, things could just as easily go very wrong.As recently witnessed, famous "youtubers" like Logan Paul can go from being an overnight sensation to falling from grace very quickly. Every day people are becoming celebrities and inspiring others around them. There are video's from everyday life vlogs, to beauty tutorials.  However one wrong line, joke, or look could destroy a person very quickly due to how easy it is to find on the internet, and how permanent these videos, pictures, or posts are. We as audience members and creators are no longer limited in how we share our creations, social media has made it easier to participate in creating new things. 
\Many articles speak to how social media influences how we view the world and how in turn the world views us. I will be researching and looking into how social media facilitates and hinders the content that is created nowadays. I will also be looking into how the people who view these creations influence other creators and viewers. The potential risk of creating can sometimes outweigh the reward of sharing our creativity with others, but who determines that and how?


  1. This is great! I like that your project touches on "influencer" culture which is becoming a big marketing/branding tool nowadays. They have so much power over the social user population.

  2. Hi Sherley,

    I love how your proposal is very detailed and you have a clear focus on what your paper is going to be about. I agree that content creation has been a huge aspect of social media as of late. Social media influencers are expected to be on every social networking site to keep in touch with their fanbase. Recently a Youtuber Michelle Phan made a video speaking on how she had to leave social media because in the process of creating content and being successful, she lost herself. I thought this was a great example regarding the "risk" you take to display your life online.


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