Blog About Twitter

A twitter discussion, is a discussion you have via tweets and replies. It's a very public and permanent discussion. Not only can the people you want to read it see what you write, but people from all over can read what you write and weigh in with their thoughts. If you're having a Twitter discussion as part of a class assignment, while the hashtags you use will make it easier for your classmates to find it, it is no guarantee that other strangers wont see it as well. 
A Blackboard discussion can only be seen by the people in your class, however it is written there permanently, or until your professor deletes it. It can be accessed by a classmate at any time and a picture of it can be taken and spread. However there is no guarantee that your classmates will read it, and if they do, and they reply, there's no guarantee that you'll go back to the post and reply to their message as you get no notification when either happens. 
An in-class discussion is by far the least permanent as it is not written anywhere for people to reference back. An in class discussion is only heard by those that were there the day of the discussion and is over when the class is over. It's easier to get quicker responses and as the professor it is easier to guide that discussion, if it begins to stray from what you want. 


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