Social Networking

    Social networking allows for people from all over to connect, without having to interact with them everyday in person. It allows for not only friends to constantly interact, but the networking opportunities are also increasing with the use of social networking. Of course with the more people using it and becoming accustomed to the shortcuts found, the greater the risk for privacy violations. Even when motions are put into action to allow a person to control how much they want to share with the public, posts or pictures could still end up being shared with strangers. The case of Randi Zuckerberg is a good example of potential privacy risks. While her efforts to keep her family picture contained within her circle of friends and acquaintances, they were still shared on other people's sites, outside her control and as much as she wanted to keep it off the rest of the internet, it was already out there. 
       However, while a lot of people using social networking, try to keep their lives private, many businesses and influencers (i.e celebrities) also use the same sites to share everything with everyone at all times. Anything from advertising their products, to taking direct feedback from their customers, businesses use all types of social networking; using things like posts and tagging people in posts. Sites are constantly becoming more and more similar to each other as they begin to attempt to out-do one another and gain more followers than their competition. 
      Where corporations are heading with social networking is still up in the air. The technology that has been developed has allowed for personalized advertisements on our pages when we look at our home pages and while that seems like it's efficient and cool, in reality many people, including myself, are slightly terrified that our information is being seen by all these companies without our knowledge. It even seems that when we simply talk about certain products, advertisements for it pop up. The fact that they could possibly be listening to everything we say and transcribing it, is a terrifying yet not far out of reach for the future of social networking sites. 



  1. I agree with the horror aspect of social networking and media you are talking about. Like all the jokes of the little FBI agent assigned to you watching through the screen. Someone takes it as a joke, but then when I open my Facebook and Youtube pages everything I like somehow start popping up in the form of advertisements. It can be quit strange.


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