
Baruch has implemented recently a "cost free" classroom, in which professors use free readings instead of costly textbooks. While that is a move in the right direction, if I was hired by Baruch College to use new media to improve the college, i'd start with the textbooks. Creating an opensource textbook would be the best thing for not only students but for professors as well. Many times I have been unable to purchase textbooks for class due to how costly it was and because of this my grade suffered, as I couldn't always borrow someones textbook and read the chapters. 

I believe there should also be a site, like blackboard, designed for students to interact with each other only. In many classes, professors have asked us to exchange numbers or email addresses among ourselves in order to have contact with someone in the class. On one occasion, a professor of mine created a Facebook group for all of us in class and she shared interesting articles with us and allowed us to communicate with each other in the group if we had questions about an assignment or a topic. If there was a site used by Baruch that allowed each class to create a group in which all students were a part of, it would allow for students to ask each other questions, giving the culture of the class a new dynamic. 


  1. I didn't hear about the "cost free" class room being used in any of my classes but seems like a good idea because of how costly textbooks are. I have shared similar experiences with high cost textbooks and I know many students who have experienced this as well.


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