
We ran danger of having our identities stolen before when we got our wallets stolen or if we lost them. With technology today the risk of having our identities stolen is constant, and can be stolen directly from our homes without our knowledge. 

Privacy is something that is almost a delicacy to us now. No matter how hard we try to keep our online presence private, it isn't something that's always possible, if at all. When we sign up for websites we almost always have to check a "I agree with the terms and agreements" box, something we seldom read. We share our information with websites such as names, emails, phone numbers, birthdays and sometimes location, and we trust that these sites will keep our information safe. However, as proven by recent facebook events, our information can easily be accessed by any third party and sold. 

We run into privacy issues and confidentiality issues when we look at advertisements as well. Every time we look something up on amazon or google, when we log back into other sites, suddenly we are flooded with ads for the same things we were looking up. All these sites we use communicate with each other, or so it seems, and isn't that in some way, an invasion of our privacy? 


  1. I agree having your identity stolen because you lost your wallet is old news. We also saw a few big retail companies suffer security breaches last year. Nothing really is secure or private online.

  2. I agree with your whole post, it is really difficult to protect your personal information with hackers and identity thieves becoming more advanced. There is even an app that if pointed as someone's wallet or purse can somehow scan and steal credit card/debit card information which is why my bank gives out special cardholders that blocks the information from being compromised. Many of us have our whole lives on our phone and hopefully there will continue to be technology created to protect us even more from potential breaches.


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