
Showing posts from April, 2018

Blog: Next New

The question of what's next is a hard one. While many of us talk about all the things we are missing to make our lives easier, but not many of us go out of our way to make it happen. Many of us don't have the technical skills or drive.  If I could do something to contribute to the next new, it would be more virtual reality. While it exists in the world of video games, it hasn't been brought to our everyday lives. A tomorrow in which we can facetime our siblings or distant family members and be with them in the room, to see the new way they've decorated their room or to see the park they keep talking about as if we were there.  Allowing for virtual reality to allow us to be enveloped in the worlds that are created in the big screen. To be a part of the fictional worlds that we love, the possibilities for LARPing (Live action role playing) would be incredible, we could not only dress up and pretend we are in the medieval times, but we could actually virtually place

Blog: Wiki So Far

On the Class Wiki there is a page open for OkCupid under the love tab. However, this year OkCupid has taken up a new strategy in order to attract more users. My contributions to the class Wiki will include background behind what the new "DTF" campaign is and why they started it. My research has led me to find statistics on the app since the advertisements were set into motion. OkCupid even has a blog where they write about their advertisements.  There has been backlash as well and my wiki contributions will include how not only the targeted audience reacted, but how other parties (such as more conservative outlets) reacted to these advertisements.  A lot of my research is gathered, it is simply a matter of putting all the data into one cohesive piece and uploading it to the class wiki


We ran danger of having our identities stolen before when we got our wallets stolen or if we lost them. With technology today the risk of having our identities stolen is constant, and can be stolen directly from our homes without our knowledge.  Privacy is something that is almost a delicacy to us now. No matter how hard we try to keep our online presence private, it isn't something that's always possible, if at all. When we sign up for websites we almost always have to check a "I agree with the terms and agreements" box, something we seldom read. We share our information with websites such as names, emails, phone numbers, birthdays and sometimes location, and we trust that these sites will keep our information safe. However, as proven by recent facebook events, our information can easily be accessed by any third party and sold.  We run into privacy issues and confidentiality issues when we look at advertisements as well. Every time we look something up on a


Baruch has implemented recently a "cost free" classroom, in which professors use free readings instead of costly textbooks. While that is a move in the right direction, if I was hired by Baruch College to use new media to improve the college, i'd start with the textbooks. Creating an opensource textbook would be the best thing for not only students but for professors as well. Many times I have been unable to purchase textbooks for class due to how costly it was and because of this my grade suffered,  as I couldn't always borrow someones textbook and read the chapters.  I believe there should also be a site, like blackboard, designed for students to interact with each other only. In many classes, professors have asked us to exchange numbers or email addresses among ourselves in order to have contact with someone in the class. On one occasion, a professor of mine created a Facebook group for all of us in class and she shared interesting articles with us and allowed us